Friday, May 18, 2012

A pirataria estimula a venda de música?

Um professor da Universidade da Carolina do Norte acha que sim:

Profit Leak? Pre-Release File Sharing and the Music Industry, por Robert G. Hammond.


It is intuitive that the potential for buyers to obtain a good without remuneration can harm the producer of the good. I test if this holds empirically in the music industry using data from an exclusive file-sharing website that allows users to share music files using the BitTorrent protocol. These are the most reliable file-sharing data available because they are from a private tracker, which is an invitation-only file-sharing network. The number of downloads is endogenous due to unobserved album quality, leading me to use an instrumental variable approach. In particular, I exploit exogenous variation in the availability of sound recordings in file-sharing networks to isolate the causal effect of file sharing of an album on its sales. The results strongly suggest that an album benefits from increased file sharing: an album that became available in file-sharing networks one month earlier would sell 60 additional units. This increase is sales is small relative to other factors that have been found to affect album sales. I conclude with an investigation of the distributional effects of file sharing on sales and find that file sharing benefits more established and popular artists but not newer and smaller artists. These results are consistent with recent trends in the music industry.
[Via Exame Informática, Boy Genious Report e TorrentFreak]

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