Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ainda o etanol e os "ambientalistas"

Leitura recomendada para o Henrique Raposo (que imagino leia o blog da National Review, a "Atlântico" lá do sitio ) - Just one more thing on ethanol:
I've been linked by some conservative bloggers on this topic, and I've gotten a lot of emails that blame liberals for ethanol. I have to say, that's not exactly right. The Left is partly to blame just because they labor under the illusion that state planning can bring about better economic results. If ethanol is bad, then they might say we're just not subsidizing the right thing.

But today, liberal environmentalists are not the ones pushing ethanol. It's Agribusiness, all the way. Most reputable liberals believe ethanol to be a big joke — an enormous corporate welfare subsidy with no real benefits and many downsides.

[recorde-se, claro, que "liberal" traduze-se para "social-democrata"]

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